14 de mar. de 2012

Curso CCNP ROUTE Presencial

Em abril, curso CCNP ROUTE presencial em São Paulo. Confira !

No periodo de 07/04/2012 a 05/05/2012, aos sábados, das 09:00 as 18:00, estarei ministrando o curso CCNP ROUTE, presencial. Os participantes do evento terão acesso ao material didático do curso CCNP ROUTE da CloudCampus por 90 dias.

O curso foi estruturado de modo a cobrir todo o conteúdo necessário ao exame ROUTE (642-902). O livro-texto utilizado é o “642-902 Official Certification Guide“, da Cisco Press. É possível acessar e baixar uma versão totalmente online do livro, na íntegra, dentro do ambiente de curso.

Serão 40 horas hands-on onde serão abordados os seguintes assuntos:

1º Dia

Implement an EIGRP based solution, given a network design and a set of requirements

• Determine network resources needed for implementing EIGRP on a network
• Create an EIGRP implementation plan
• Create an EIGRP verification plan
• Configure EIGRP routing
• Verify EIGRP solution was implemented properly using show and debug commands
• Document results of EIGRP implementation and verification

2º Dia

Implement a multi-area OSPF Network, given a network design and a set of requirements

• Determine network resources needed for implementing OSPF on a network
• Create an OSPF implementation plan
• Create an OSPF verification plan
• Configure OSPF routing
• Verify OSPF solution was implemented properly using show and debug commands
• Document results of OSPF implementation and verification plan

3º Dia

Implement an eBGP based solution, given a network design and a set of requirements

• Determine network resources needed for implementing eBGP on a network
• Create an eBGP implementation plan
• Create an eBGP verification plan
• Configure eBGP routing
• Verify eBGP solution was implemented properly using show and debug commands
• Document results of eBGP implementation and verification plan

4º Dia

Implement an IPv6 based solution, given a network design and a set of requirements

• Determine network resources needed for implementing IPv6 on a network
• Create an IPv6 implementation plan
• Create an IPv6 verification plan
• Configure IPv6 routing
• Configure IPv6 interoperation with IPv4
• Verify IPv6 solution was implemented properly using show and debug commands
• Document results of IPv6 implementation and verification plan

Implement an IPv4 or IPv6 based redistribution solution, given a network design and a set of requirements

• Create a redistribution implementation plan based upon the results of the redistribution analysis
• Create a redistribution verification plan
• Configure a redistribution solution
• Verify that a redistribution was implemented
• Document results of a redistribution implementation and verification plan
• Identify the differences between implementing an IPv4 and IPv6 redistribution solution

5º Dia

Implement Layer 3 Path Control Solution

• Create a Layer 3 path control implementation plan based upon the results of the redistribution analysis
• Create a Layer 3 path control verification plan
• Configure Layer 3 path control
• Verify that a Layer 3 path control was implemented
• Document results of a Layer 3 path control implementation and verification plan
• Implement basic teleworker and branch services
• Describe broadband technologies
• Configure basic broadband connections
• Describe basic VPN technologies
• Configure GRE
• Describe branch access technologies

Local do Curso: Rua Marquês de Itu, 408 - cj 24 - Próximo a Estação República do Metrô

IMPORTANTE: Os alunos deverão trazer notebook para a realização dos laboratórios que serão feitos utilizando-se GNS3/Dynamips.

Investimento: R$ 1.590,00

Forma de Pagamento: via PagSeguro, com várias opções de parcelamento, confira abaixo:

Vagas Limitadas ! Aproveite !

3 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Monta um curso a noite!! :)

  3. @Juliana,

    Tenho como montar um CCNP a noite em maio. Tem interesse ? Me contate no adilson.aflorentino@gmail.com

