18 de jan. de 2013

Nova versão para o Curriculum Cisco CCNA

A Cisco anuncia que o material do Networking Academy para os exames CCNA e CCENT receberá novos contéudos e sua nova versão a 5.0 está prevista para o mês de Junho. A Cisco encaminhou um e-mail informando que o Curriculum Cisco CCNA e Cisco CCENT passará em breve por um upgrade. A previsão é lançar o novo Curriculum versão 5.0 em inglês no mês de Junho deste ano. E para os demais idiomas a previsão é para Dezembro do mesmo ano. Abaixo o contéudo do e-mail na integra: New CCNA Curriculum Coming Soon During the Virtual Academy Conference in June 2012 we announced that Cisco Networking Academy would be releasing a new English version of the CCNA curriculum in 2013. This update provides some additional information for your planning purposes. The new CCNA 5.0 curriculum continues to focus on routing and switching technologies to help students prepare for entry-level networking careers, and aligns with the Cisco CCENT and CCNA certifications. The CCNA 5.0 curriculum introduces exciting new features and functionality including the following: * Integration of IPv6 and IPv4 in the design, configuration, and management of routed and switched networks * Utilization of Cisco IOS 15.X commands to configure and manage network devices * Advanced technology topic updates including voice, wireless, security, and data center * Improved psychometric analysis of final exam items * Enhanced rich assessment feedback earlier in the learning process * Mobility support enabling access to course text and graphics on mobile platforms, including Apple iOS, Google Android, and Windows 8 devices * Cisco NetSpace capabilities fully leveraged to improve communications, collaboration, and user experience for students and instructors We are targeting phased releases of CCNA 5.0 courses starting in June 2013, with all courses to be available by December 2013. We will continue to provide regular updates on our progress, and will share more in-depth information soon regarding: * Lab equipment upgrades * Software maintenance * IOS 15 and IPV 6 Thank you for your continued collaboration and commitment to excellence in networking skills education.

2 comentários:

  1. Cara, pelo jeito esse material vai estar bem interessante!
    A mudança veio em boa hora pois o currículo atual está bem desatualizado...

  2. Verdade Leonardo,

    IOs 15, IPv6 e suporte a dispositivos móveis parecem ser as mudanças mais significativas.

    Como o texto do Thiago diz, vamos ter que esperar até dezembro para ver isso chegar na versão em português.

