Este poema foi postado originalmente na lista de discussão do Group Study CCIE e foi supostamente escrito pela esposa de um candidato a CCIE. Ia postar a tradução aqui mas achei que iriamos perder a beleza das rimas em inglês, quem quiser, é só jogar em qualquer tradutor on-line e conferir.
Vejam só:
Loneliness, boring hours and silence is for me,
meet me i’m the wife of a CCIE-to-be,
Nothing to do but to read the stories of wizards and witches,
while my husband stare at his routers and switches,
My days have become long and drab,
only because he has to give his lab,
To him i wouldn’t look so dull and drony,
If only he’d leave alone his IP Telephony,
For me, no outing no romance no disco,
ah! how i hate this word “CISCO”,
We could better discuss and plan OUR future,
but no! he’s more interested in MPLS architecture,
I love him with all my heart and body and soul,
but he has eyes only for the routing protocol,
I have to beg him to take me to a mall,
between him and me is always a “firewall”,
My good old “cisco-free” days are lost in a mist,
I sure wish i could use his “access list”,
My woes are as vast and as deep as a sea,
meet me im the wife of a CCIE-to-be……
Vejam só:
Loneliness, boring hours and silence is for me,
meet me i’m the wife of a CCIE-to-be,
Nothing to do but to read the stories of wizards and witches,
while my husband stare at his routers and switches,
My days have become long and drab,
only because he has to give his lab,
To him i wouldn’t look so dull and drony,
If only he’d leave alone his IP Telephony,
For me, no outing no romance no disco,
ah! how i hate this word “CISCO”,
We could better discuss and plan OUR future,
but no! he’s more interested in MPLS architecture,
I love him with all my heart and body and soul,
but he has eyes only for the routing protocol,
I have to beg him to take me to a mall,
between him and me is always a “firewall”,
My good old “cisco-free” days are lost in a mist,
I sure wish i could use his “access list”,
My woes are as vast and as deep as a sea,
meet me im the wife of a CCIE-to-be……
Obs: Márcia, minha querida, não tenha medo, isto é só uma fase passageira. Depois do conquistar o título, é só refazer a Prova Teórica a cada dois anos ...
Não vai embora não !!! Volta amor !!!
5 comentários:
nossa Adilson,
esse foi legal... as rimas são perfeitas e, de certa, forma acho que me identifico... um pouco... (por que será?)
ainda bem que eu arrumei três filhos pra distrair minha esposa... rsrsrs...
Poiszé Sandro !!!
Eu preciso arrumar URGENTE pelo um filho para distrair a Márcia também !!! rs rs rs
olha, isso sim é poema...
pra ficar com alguém de TI tem que gostar MESMO! hehehe
Opa, não tinha visto que meu blog tinha sido citado como referente hehe. Muito legal esse poema :-)
Olá Diogo !
Parabéns pela aprovação no Exame642-446 (CIPT 1 6.0). Se quiser compartilhar esta experiência conosco, será muito bem-vindo !!!
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